Saturday, February 15, 2014

Someone once said, "Too much of anything is not good." Thus, everything should be done in moderation. With the advances in technology, however, particularly social networking, teens seem to have dived into deep waters and forgotten to come up for fresh air. This article takes a close look at the link between technology and social skills in teens focusing on both the advantages and disadvantages. Advantages Technology helps teens...

Monday, February 10, 2014

Technology has linked its way into just about every facet of human lifestyles. For your edification, this continuing discussion, as well as an addition to previous study formats. In offering this informational passage, the legal system is just one more profession that has been conquered by technology. We are aware of the court stenographers and PC's that record and track our legal system, but what about the C.G.A. System? The Computer Generated...

Friday, January 24, 2014

I was recently asked "what is cloud technology. Isn't that like Google Docs?" and the simple answer is yes. Although we're seeing new cloud computing initiatives and offering appearing everyday (such as Google Docs, iCloud, Azure, and Office 365), cloud computing is nothing new. So why now you may ask? Cloud computing has been around for quite some time, and has been a long time in the making. There have been a variety of catalysts over the...

Sunday, January 12, 2014

It is my sincere belief that anything you pay for should be getting business back to you. If you're paying for marketing and you're not getting leads off of it is a waste of money!Your website and online presence is no different. It must be paying you for the effort and money you have put into it.I trust you will find the following information insightful and useful. Be sure to contact me with any more questions.1. Not having your website on a SEO...

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Computer engineering, as the name suggests, is related to the engineering of your system hardware. It includes the designing of computer hardware and devices. It is derived from the science of computing such that it is the practical application of the computing science principles.It also includes some principles of electrical engineering. In short this engineering is based on the laws of computer science, electrical engineering, mathematics and physics.The...

Friday, January 3, 2014

Data privacy is of utmost importance in this age wherein the influx of information seems to be as fast as the speed of light. Organizations and individuals are exerting efforts in maintaining their privacy without sacrificing the quality of data being passed on from one source to another. Aside from data de-identification software, data masking software has also been created to cater to the needs of the world of information technology (IT).First,...

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Netbooks As technology advances consumers are looking for ways to get the same user-experience at a considerably lower price. When it comes to computing, netbooks are the newest trend. A netbook is a computer that has very little power and processing speed on it. It's designed to do one thing and one thing only: to connect to the Internet. Hence the name "netbook." Netbooks do not need to have Windows installed on them, thus saving...
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